Thursday, June 17, 2010


By now many of you have heard about what happened in Southwark Cathedral when ++Katharine Jefferts Schori, Primate of the Episcopal Church USA when she processed at the beginning of the service, when she preached, when she celebrated Eucharist and when she recessed at the end of the service. 

In a word.


Here are some links to the story from a few sources.  Each source lends a new perspective on what happened on Sunday last.

The covered one view with this headline:

Lambeth Palace tells presiding bishop not to wear symbol of office:

Jefferts Schori carries mitre during recent visit to Southwark Cathedral

Another headline was from Ruth Gledhill, columnist for The Times London with a different angle: 

Bishop crossed in mitre row

Then there was this picture taken by Andrew Gerns+ who was there in the service and he took this picture of our steadfast and persevering Presiding Bishop:

Then there is this little tidbit from a Facebook priestly friend who was very clever who remarked on a photo from Wikipedia with a clever headline.  I think it should be her new dom de plume:
 ++Kat in The Hat...


Terri said...

Shameful treatment of her, and such grace she shows.

Jan said...

I love that dom de plume.

Catherine said...

Actually I meant "nom de plume" much for spell check...