Thursday, July 05, 2012

"Healing is not words, it is action." DoD Lament: participate from your home

Come into the circle of prayer and transformation - Doctrine of Discovery Lament
Prayer Event
- July 10 at 7 - 10 pm EDT - JW Marriott Ballroom
with the Red Leaf Singers, traditional Lakota singing and drum group from the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation, S.D. House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson and Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori have both confirmed their presence at this event. Resources to help with your own participation are below in the links.

Vigil begins at 7 pm Mid-West time with the prayer event beginning at 8 pm concluding 10 pm.

In regard to the grievous past and present for many Native people in the Americas…

“Healing is not words, it is action.”
The Rev. John Haskell (Ojibway)

➢ In an unprecedented step of significance for Christian response to the European invasion and settlement of the Americas, the Episcopal Church is the first Christian denomination to publically repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery through the actions of D035 taken at General Convention 2009.

➢ The Episcopal Church demonstrated the courage of our convened leadership to offer that repudiation in 2009, along with a Pastoral Letter from Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori, and oral intervention to the recent United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues about the implications of the Doctrine of Discovery.

➢ These actions of faithful response and accountability are being shared with the entire church through the offering of a Lament Over the Doctrine of Discovery, at General Convention 2012, with a 3 hour prayer event held in the General Convention worship space.

➢ All of these actions – resolutions, resources, and the Lament over the Doctrine of Discovery -- are made possible by a collaboration of the offices of Indigenous Ministries, Lifelong Faith Formation, Justice and Peace, and with the support of Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori and Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies.

➢ Complete resources for these local laments may be found at:

➢ Twitter #episcopalDoD @indigepiscopal @iamepiscopalian

Doctrina del lamento del descubrimiento
Con los Cantantes de la hoja roja [Red Leaf Singers] un grupo tradicional Lakota del tambor de la tribu Rosebud Sioux
Patrocinado por la Oficina del ministerio indígena, la Oficina de formación cristiana permanente y la Oficina de justicia social y económica | | El martes, 10 de julio, de las 7 a las 10 de la noche, en el salón JW del Marriott | | Abierto a todos
En 2009, la Convención General de la Iglesia Episcopal adoptó una decisión sin precedentes de repudiar la doctrina del descubrimiento, lo que supone un compromiso público hacia una mayor comprensión de los Pueblos Indígenas. La doctrina es un doloroso ejemplo de cómo la Iglesia ha estado incorrecta y cómo esos errores contribuyen a las cuestiones sociales y económicas contemporáneas. El lamento es una invitación a entrar en un proceso de comportamiento colectivo espiritual y de transformación, de conversiones, de sanación y esperanza. Ambas ofrecerán oraciones durante el evento, La Obispa Presidente Katharine Jefferts Schori y la Presidenta de la Cámara de Diputados Bonnie Anderson.

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