Sunday, March 28, 2010

A poem for Palm Sunday...

...written by Terri Cole Pilarski+ aka Mompriest from her blog Seeking Authentic Voice...too good not to share:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Prayer: Palm/Passion Sunday

God of all hopefulness, God of my life
On this holy day of Palms and Passions
and through this
the holiest of weeks,
when our Lenten journey
finds its completion
through pain
losses of all kinds,
through fear
and finger pointing.

Through a self-examination of
all the ways we work against you -
against your hopes and dreams
for creation
against your love poured out
in flesh and blood -
we hang our heads and bow our hearts
seeking your forgiveness
yearning for your guidance
desiring your compassion.

Fill us we pray, with the ability to
turn to you, kneeling before your grace
open our spirit that we may take you in
let you in
receive you in
taking You in..

Into our hearts and minds and souls
Let you in
that we might turn to you,
return to you,
be transformed in you,
through you, by you,
for you.

once more,
this day, this week,
into a new self,
me, you.

May we become a new people,
a gentle people,
a people of
love and compassion,
born anew from our
deepest sorrow
through the breadth of your
and love.

And then, may we do likewise.
And, love.

Crossposted on RevGalBlog Pals and RevGal Prayer Pals


Terri said...

I'm grateful this spoke to you. Blessings this Holy Week.

Robin said...

Beautiful, isn't it?

Jan said...

So beautiful!!

Plus, I love to find your posts!

Hospice Moorpark said...

The thoughts are really nice,i am really glad to read this blog.Keep doing wonderful work.