Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A new poetry blog

Hi there all...

Though this is not a posting of thought-provoking poetry or prose, it is worth shifting gears to bring it to you and your attention.

In my Lenten musings, I have come across a new-to-me blog called The Grotto. It is about the poetry of Anne Skelton, and apparently hosted by her as well. She is somewhere in my neck of the American woods but her offerings are in their early stages and sort of reflect some of our Northwest seasonal affective disorder. Some if not all deal with personal loss for now, but in communicating with her, she promises things will get lighter as time goes on. It seems that a good friend of hers has persuaded her to create this blog for her own expression as well as the enjoyment of others.

As I perused the blog I later had to ask her if she was going to leave it with only the written word or would she put up some photos or art work; she said she didn't know; she paused, sort of shrugged invisibly in her letter and then told me she thought that maybe that would be a good idea [yay! For me!]. She moves deliberately and thoughtfully so let's all be patient. Currently she has four works up at The Grotto and some links to poetry sites she finds edifying and "beautiful".

So, in your journeys, I urge you to stop off at The Grotto and rest awhile as you read some soulful work wrought of words.


...living Lent in the fast lane....

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