Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Presiding bishop describes Canterbury's sanctions as 'unfortunate'

By Marites N. Sison, of Canada's Anglican Journal, reports ++Katharine's response to Rowan Williams' striking out at Americans and our Canadian brothers and sisters, in both the Episcopal and Canadian Anglican churches, in his feeble and impotent attempt to punish us for living Gospel lives...

June 08, 2010

[Anglican Journal] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has described the decision by Lambeth Palace to remove Episcopalians serving on international ecumenical dialogues as "unfortunate ... It misrepresents who the Anglican Communion is."

Jefferts Schori's comments were made during a June 8 press conference at the Anglican Church of Canada's General Synod 2010 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Before the sanctions were imposed on the Episcopal Church as a consequence for having consecrated a lesbian bishop, Jefferts Schori said she had written a letter to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams expressing her concern.

"I don't think it helps dialogue to remove some people from the conversation," she said shortly after addressing General Synod. "We have a variety of opinions on these issues of human sexuality across the communion ... For the archbishop of Canterbury to say to the Methodists or the Lutheran [World] Federation that we only have one position is inaccurate. We have a variety of understandings and no, we don't have consensus on hot button issues at the moment."

Please go to this page to read the rest of Marites' article in the Journal.


Jan said...

Catherine, thank you as always.

Terri said...

PB Katherine is awesome.

Catherine said...

@ Jan, you are always welcome. I try to keep up and by so doing, keep others informed. Even my own priest was out of the loop on this sermon until I sent it to her and it proved to be a blessing as she prepared for a difficult funeral Monday.

Catherine said...

@ Mompriest. She is indeed amazing and humble, measured and compassionate. May we all learn from her example as the servant she is...