Tuesday, January 16, 2007

We Interrupt This Blog....

...due to the "wow" weather out here in southern Oregon. We have been zapped today by amazing snowfall and treacherous road travel. Today in Medford the snow began about 10;30am. I had a front row seat in a dental chair, so I should know. It has only stopped snowing a few minutes ago at 3:30pm PST. I would estimate that there is about 4 or 5 inches at my home in the southern urban end of the city. It is very pretty though and the quiet is so soothing...snow does that.

I know it doesn't look like much but we are used to our snow staying about 2000 ft. When it does rest on the Valley floor, it's a bit of a treat until it becomes difficult to drive in. Then we break out the snow shoes, cross country skis, and boogieboards to enhance our transportation.

Time to make the cocoa, brownies, buttermilk biscuits, exquisite meatloaf and the veggies. Now if there was a way to keep the balls of snow out of long doggie fur...

Stay well and be safe.


1 comment:

episcopalifem said...

We've had no snow here in NJ.

It's been over 50 most of the month, with a few days at 70 degrees.

My kids are longing for snow.

I could use a snow day too, truth be told.