Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Humor for Episcopalians?

You know, the thing we do when we aren't praying hard and things don't seem so great but then there it is!

So...if you were to want to express yourself or your opinion of Convention or Resolution B-033 and still be a welcoming Episcopalian, you would visit this link :http://www.cafepress.com/deangfx.63466066

But sometimes we need something special to wear to church, or at least I have heard that it is highly recommended for this particular item of Episcowear...check it out at: http://www.cafepress.com/republicofdogs

And if you are politically motivated and still an Episcopalian [now that was funny!] then you need to visit this site http://www.cafepress.com/episcopaltshirt?OVRAW=episcopal%20church%20general%20convention%20podcasts&OVKEY=episcopal%20church&OVMTC=advanced for all the Episcopally [is that a word even???] correct election goodies.

That said, have fun and get a good laugh too. We need whatever it takes to get through the aftermath of Convention and the last bad piece of legislation done that last day. And we will need it in the future as our Communion either gets its act together or disassmbles completely. I pray it won't happen but if it does, then God is moving and working His will either way.

SO, cheers!

1 comment:

Psalmist said...

Thanks for the smiles, Catherine. You're a gem!

I particularly liked the t-shirts. It did make me wonder, in all seriousness, how the ranting, raving, and taking of toys and going home attitudes present an "unchallenging" manner of life? Oh, yeah...most of those exhibiting such are not candidates for the episcopacy.

Humor, Ps., humor. Smiles, everyone...smiles!